In my newspaper column some months ago, I reprinted a short essay on youth by Samuel Ullman, an author unknown to me. 数月前,笔者在敝报专栏转载了一篇论青春的短文,对作者塞缪尔.厄尔曼其人我并无所知。
And I am Samuel Madison III. 我就是撒缪尔麦迪逊三世。
The only person I can think of who got close to an unexpurgated truth is Samuel Pepys, and that's because his diaries were never meant to be read. 我可以想像到的唯一接近完整真实的人是塞缪尔·佩皮斯,因为他的日记本不是让人们读的。
"I want to become a doctor," Samuel blurted out, unable to contain himself. 我想当个医生,塞缪尔忍耐不住地脱口而出。
I can't see Thierry Henry and Samuel Eto'o playing all season together. 我不会看到特里·亨利和萨穆埃尔·埃托奥会在一起踢完整个赛季。
I reprinted a short essay on youth by Samuel Ullman, an author unknown to me. 我转载了一篇论青春的短文,其作者塞缪尔?厄尔曼,我并不熟悉。
I teach economics at UNLV three times per week. On Samuel Beckett s Art of Absurdity; 我每周在内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校讲授三次经济学。
And even though I eventually had to remodel each and every element I still owe Ankit Surti and Samuel Gwynn a huge thank. 虽然我最终不得不改造每一个元素我还欠AnkitSurti和塞缪尔格温一个巨大的感谢。
Heb. 11:32 And what more shall I say? For time will fail me if I tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets. 来十一32此外,我还要再说什么?若要一一细说基甸、巴拉、参孙、耶弗他、大卫、撒母耳和众申言者的事,时间就不够我用了。
What can I learn from David's decision to first go to Samuel in his time of fear and distress? 从大卫在惧怕与困惑的时候先去寻求撒母耳的帮助的决定中,我能学习到甚麽?
He is one of the best forwards I have seen, and we all know what Samuel Eto'o can do. 他是我见过最好的前锋之一,我们都知道埃托奥的实力。
Then the woman said, who am I to let you see? And he said, make Samuel come up for me. 妇人说,我为你招谁上来呢?回答说,为我招撒母耳上来。
"Capri, I told you to keep your mouth shut," Samuel says and looks at Adie. “卡普瑞,我跟你说过不要多嘴,”说完,塞缪尔继续看着爱狄。
Listen, I need a driver to drive samuel. 听着,我要其他人开山默尔去。
I'm the only son of President Samuel azuka. 我是塞缪尔阿祖卡总统的独子。
I did not enjoy watching Samuel speaking to either of them. 我看着塞缪尔跟他们讲话,心里很不是滋味。
I needed a name that was recognizable and elegant, so I called my beer Samuel adams, after the brewer and patriot who helped to instigate the Boston Tea party. 我需要为它取一个响亮而又高雅的名字,这样,我便以曾领导波士顿倾茶事件的酿酒人及爱国者的名字来命名我的啤酒&塞缪尔亚当斯。
I need you to get Samuel Cutler up here as soon as possible. 我希望你把萨米尔科特勒尽快带到这来。
I had a good performance against ( Samuel) Peter. 我有一个很好的表现(塞缪尔)彼得。